Laws of Jurisprudence
Regarding Istinja
Law: When
going to urinate or pass stool it is Mustahab to recite this Dua outside the
toilet (i.e. before entering the toilet):
اللہِ اَللّٰھُمَّ اِنِّیْ اَعُوْذُ بِکَ مِنَ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ
Enter with the left foot first and when coming out of the
toilet, come out with the right foot and after coming out, recite:
غُفْرَانَکَ اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ الَّذِیْ اَذْھَبَ عَنِّیْ مَا
یؤْذِینیْ وَاَمْسَکَ عَلَیَّ مَا یَنْفَعُنِیْ
Law: When
urinating or passing stool or when cleansing yourself thereafter, do not direct
your face or back towards the Qibla and this command is general whether you are
inside a building or in an open field. If you have directed your face or back
towards the Qibla by error then on remembering immediately change your
direction. In this there is hope of attaining forgiveness for this immediately.
Law: It
is Makruh for a person who has taken a child to the toilet to have him face the
direction of the Qibla. The one responsible for taking the child to the toilet
is charged with the sin for this.
Law: When
urinating or passing stool one should not direct ones face or back towards the
sun or the moon. Similarly, one should not urinate in the direction where the
wind is blowing.
Law: To
urinate or pass stool on the edge of a well, pond or spring or in water even if
it is flowing water; on a quayside; under a fruit tree, in an orchard which has
fruits, in the shade where people usually sit; beside the Musjid or the Eid Gaah;
in a cemetery; on a road or in a place where cattle are kept is Makruh.
Similarly, it is Makruh to urinate in a place where Wudu and Ghusl are
Law: To
sit on a low place and allow the strain of urine to flow towards a high place
is disallowed.
Law: To
urinate on hard ground from which the drops of urine splash up towards you is
disallowed. One should grade such a place and soften it or dig a pit and
urinate therein.
Law: To
urinate whilst standing whilst naked and whilst lying down is Makruh. It is
also disallowed to go to urinate or pass stool without covering the head or to
take with you an item on which a Dua or the Name of Allah and His Beloved
Rasool صلی اﷲ تعالیٰ علیہ وسلم or
the name of any pious personality is written. Similarly, it is Makruh to talk
whilst in the toilet.
Law: One
should not remove the clothing from the body until such time that one is close
to sitting and one should not expose the body more than required. Thereafter,
one should sit with the legs well spread apart, putting weight on the left leg.
At this time one should not ponder in regards to any Deeni issue as this is a
means of deprivation. One should also not reply to a sneezing person, to Salaam
and to Azaan audibly; when sneezing do not say Alhumdulillah with the tongue
(i.e. audibly). It should be said in the heart. One should also not look towards
the private parts unnecessarily. One should also not look towards the impurity
that has been excreted from the body. One should not sit too long in the toilet
as there is a risk of haemorrhoids and piles in doing so. One should neither
spit into the urine nor should one blow the nose or clear the throat without
reason, or look around unnecessarily, or touch the body without reason or look
towards the sky. One should rather lower the head with modesty. When one has
completed answering the call of nature, a male should rub the penis from the base
towards the head, so that those drops of urine that are held back may come out.
Thereafter, one should cleanse oneself using a Dhela (clod) and stand up. He
should cover his body before standing up straight. When the drops have stopped,
he should move away to some other place and then sit down to perform
purification. In doing so, he should first wash both hands thrice each. When
entering the purification area, he should recite:
بِسْمِ اللہِ الْعَظِیْمِ وَبِحَمْدِہٖ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ عَلیٰ
دِیْنِ الْاِسْلَامِ اَللّٰھُمَّ اجْعَلْنِیْ مِنَ التَّوَّابِیْنَ وَاجْعَلْنِیْ
مِنَ الْمُتَطَھِّرِیْنَ الَّذِیْنَ لَاخَوْفٌ عَلَیْھِمْ وَلَا ھُمْ یَحْزَنُوْنَ
ط ۔
He should then pour water with the right hand and clean
the area with the left hand. He should hold the jug that is being used to pour water
at a height when pouring, so that drops of water do not splash onto you. He
must first wash the front private part and thereafter he should wash the rear
private part (anus). When performing purification, put pressure on ones breath
pushing downwards and keep a clod and then wash thoroughly, so that afterwards
there is no odour left on the hand. Thereafter use a pure (Paak) piece of cloth
to dry the area. If one does not have a cloth, he should use the hand to wipe
the area a few times until there is no real moistness remaining. If one is
overwhelmed by ‘waswasa’ (shaitaani distraction) then sprinkle some water on
the gusset. Then emerge from this area and recite:
اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ الَّذِیْ جَعَلَ الْمَاءَ طَھُوْرًا
وَالْاِسْلَامَ نُوْرًا وَقَائِدًا وَدَلِیْلًا اِلَی اللہِ وَاِلٰی جَنَّاتِ
النَّعِیْمِ اَللّٰھُمَّ حَصِّنْ فَرْجِیْ وَطَھِّرْ قَلْبِیْ وَمَحِّصْ
ذُنُوْبِیْ ۔
Law: If
one passes any impurity from either the front or rear private part, it is
Sunnat to clean oneself using a clod. If one only used water to perform the
purification then this too is permissible, but it is Mustahab to make Tahaarat
with water after using the clod.
Law: If
any other impurity comes out of the front or rear private parts, such as blood
or pus etc. or if impurity comes onto that area due to excretion then too if
one uses a clod to perform purification, it is valid as long as it did not
spread out of that area. However, it is Mustahab to still wash using water.
Law: The
usage of a prescribed number of stones is not Sunnat. It all depends on how
many are sufficient to attain purification. If the use of just one clod/cleansing
stone allows one to become cleansed, the Sunnat has been fulfilled. If one took
3 clods and one was still not able to become clean then the Sunnat has not been
fulfilled. However, it is Sunnat to use an odd number of cleansing stones and at
least 3 should be used. If using 1 or 2 allowed one to be cleansed then one
should complete the counting of 3. If one used 4 to cleanse oneself then one
should use 1 more, so that it will become an odd number.
Law: Purification
with a clod will only be valid if the area around the opening of the private
part is not messed more than the area of one dirham. If it becomes messed more
than a dirham then to wash is Fard. However, it is still Sunnat to use the
Law: Stones,
pebbles and torn (old) fabric also fall within the category of a clod. To
cleanse oneself with any of these is also permissible without any objection.
One may also use a wall to dry (i.e. stone from a wall) on condition that it is
not the property of someone else. If it is the property of another person or it
is ‘Waqf’ then in this case, to make use of it for Istinja is Makruh. However,
if one does use it, the purification will be regarded as valid. One can dry off
Istinja from the wall of the building which he is renting.
Law: To
use a cleansing stone from the wall of a stranger is not permissible even if
the house is being rented by him.
Law: It
is Makruh to make Istinja (cleanse one’s self) with bones, food, dung, baked
bricks, pottery, glass, coal, hay for animals and any such thing which has some
value to it even if it is one or two cents.
Law: To
make Istinja using paper is not allowed even if nothing is written on it or
even if it has the name of an unbeliever such as Abu Jahl written on it.
Law: It
is Makruh to use the right hand to perform Istinja. If a person’s left hand is
paralysed (or he is not able to use it due to some injury etc) then he may use
the right hand.
Law: It
is Makruh to touch the private parts with the right hand or to hold the
cleaning stone in the right hand when passing it over this area.
Law: It
is Makruh to re-use the cleaning stone that has already been used once for the
purpose of Istinja. If the opposite side of it is clean then that side may be
Law: The
Mustahab manner of using the clod after passing stool is as follows for males:
During summer, use the first cleaning stone, wiping from the front to the back
and the second from the back to the front and then the third from the front
going towards the back. During winter, the first clod should be used to wipe
from the back to the front, the second from the front to the back and the third
from the back to the front.
Law: Females
should always (i.e. during any season) use the method that the males use in
Law: It
is Mustahab to keep the clean clods on ones right and to keep them to ones left
after using them, in a manner whereby the area which is soiled with impurity
should be kept facing the back.
Law: After
passing urine, if one has a doubt that some drops are still remaining and it
will be released then in this case it is Waajib (compulsory) for him to perform
‘Istibra’ (i.e. after passing urine to do something which will cause the drops that
are held back to drop off). Istibra can be performed by walking, striking the
feet on the ground, by applying pressure by keeping the right leg on the left
or the left leg on the right, by coming down from a high place, climbing onto a
high place from a low place, by coughing or by lying on the left side. One
should perform Istibra until such time that the heart is content. Some Ulama
have mentioned that one should walk 40 paces but the correct view is that it
depends on whatever makes the heart content and sure. This ruling of Istibra is
only for males. Females should wait a short while after finishing and then perform
Law: The
Mustahab method of performing Istinja with water after pasting stool is as
follows: One should sit with both legs well spread out, pouring water slowly
and using the stomach of the fingers to wash. The tips of the fingers should not
touch. One should first raise his middle finger over the rest when commencing
the Istinja then the finger which is next to it and then the little finger
should be raised. One should wash thoroughly. One should not use more than 3 fingers
to wash. One should wash slowly so that all the greasiness goes away.
Law: Purification
(Tahaarat) will also be valid if one washes using the palm of the hand.
Law: A
female should wash herself using only her palm and she should sit with her legs
more spread out than a male.
Law: The
hands will become purified after Tahaarat but to still wash the hands
thereafter and to do so using sand is Mustahab.
Note: Nowadays
soap etc. is used to wash the hand. This is permissible on condition that the
soap does not have any impure and Haraam ingredient in it.
Law: During
winter, one should make a greater effort and wash more intensely compared to in
summer and if one uses hot water to perform the purification in winter, then
one should be as intense as one is in summer. There is more thawaab (reward) in
performing purification with cold water than with hot water and using hot water
for this person is not without the risk of illness.
Law: When
fasting one should not sit with the legs spread out too wide and one should
also not wash too intensely.
Law: If
a man’s hand is disabled then his wife may assist him in Istinja and if the
wife’s hand is disabled then the husband may assist her in Istinja. If a man
does not have a wife or if lady does not have a husband; then in this case, any
other relative such as ones daughter, son, brother or sister are not allowed to
make the Istinja for them. In such a case it is excused.
Law: It
is Makruh to cleanse one’s self during Istinja by using Zamzam Shareef and if
one did not use the clod prior to this then it is impermissible.
Law: The
leftover water which is remaining after purifying oneself may be used for Wudu.
Some people throw this water away. This should not be done as it falls within
the category of being wasteful.
قد تم بحمد اﷲ سبحٰنہ و تعالیٰ ھذا
الجزء فی مسائل الطھارۃ ولہ الحمد اولا و اخرا و باطنا و ظاھرا کما یحب ربنا و
یرضی وھو بکل شیٍئ علیم ولا حول ولا قوۃ الا باللہ العلی العظیم و صلی اللہ علی
خیر خلقہٖ سیدنا و مولانا محمد و اٰلہ وصحبہ و ا بنہ و ذریتہ و علماء ملتہ و
اولیاء امتہ اجمعین اٰمین والحمد للہ رب العٰلمین۔ وانا الفقیر المفتقر الی اللہ
الغنی ابو العلا امجد علی الاعظمی غفر اللہ لہ ولوالدیہ۔ اٰمین
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