Thursday, 31 July 2014

Fiqh>Sunni Beliefs>Proclaiming Ya Sheikh

ترجمۂ کنزالایمان: اللہ کے نام سے شروع جو نہایت مہربان رحم والا
Translation: Allah in the name of the most Affectionate the Merciful

Du’a for Reading the Book or Islamic Lesson
Read the following Du’a (supplication) before studying a religious book or Islamic lesson , you will remember whatever you study.
Translation:Ya Allah! Open the portal of knowledge and wisdom for us, and have mercy on us! O the one who is the most honourable and glorious! (Al-Mustaraf, vol. 1, pp. 40)

Note: Recite Durud Sharif once before and after the Du’a.

ترجمۂ کنزالایمان:اور اگر جب وہ اپنی جانوں پر ظلم کریں تو اے محبوب تمہارے حضور حاضر ہوں اور پھر اللہ سے معافی چاہیں اور رسول ان کی شفاعت فرمائے تو ضرور اللہ کو بہت توبہ قبول کرنے والا مہربان پائیں۔
Translation of Kanzul Iman:And if when they do justice unto their souls, then O beloved! They should come to you and then beg forgiveness of Allah and the messenger should intercede for them then surely, they would find Allah Most Relenting, Merciful (4:64)

Excellence of Durud Shareef
The Noble Rasool صلی اللہ تعالی علیہ وسلم has stated, ‘Whoever recites Salat upon me one time, Allah عزوجل sends ten mercies upon him.’ (Sahih Muslim, pp. 166, vol. 1)

Permissibility of Proclaiming Ya Sheikh Abdal Qaadir Jilani Shai’an Lillah

The Ahle Sunnah wa Jamaat say and believe that it is totally permissible to say, “Ya Sheikh Abdal Qaadir Jilani Shai’an lillah and to ask for assistance from those servants of Al’laah whom He has appointed as helpers to the Ummah.

Almighty Al’laah says in the Glorious Qur’aan:

“O You Who Believe, Seek assistance through patience and Namaaz. Verily Al’laah is with those who are Patient.” [SurahBaqara Verse.153]

 “And assist one another in goodness and piety and do not assist one another in sin and transgression.” [Surah Maa’idahVerse.2]

 “It is He who gave you might through His help and with that of the Muslims” [Surah Al Anfal Verse.62]

 “O Communicator of the the unseen (O Nabi), Al’laah is sufficient for you and (for) all these Muslims who follow you.” [SurahAl Anfal Verse.64]

 “And the believing men and believing women are helpers to one another.” [Surah Tauba Verse.71]

All the above mentioned verses prove that it is totally permissible to seek assistance from the servants of Al’laah. If it were shirk (polytheism) to accept anyone as a helper through the permission of Al’laah; He would have never given permission for this in the Glorious Qur’aan.

The Ambia (alaihis salaatu wa tasleem) have always advised the people to stay away from shirk. The Nabis never commit shirk and neither do they ask anyone to commit shirk (Polytheism).

Even in the Holy Qur’aan, it is proven that that Ambia (alaihis salaam) asked the servants of Al’laah to assist them in their missions of Deen.

Just as Hazrat Esa علیہ السلام said to his followers:

 “Who shall be my helper in the way of Al’laah?” [SurahAl Imran Verse.52]

It has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’aan that they replied:

“The followers replied, we are the helpers of Al’laah’s religion.” [SurahAl Imran Verse.52]

Hazrat Moosa (alaihis salaam) also asked Almighty Al’laah to grant him assistance and in answering this dua of Hazrat Moosa علیہ السلام , Al’laah gave the name of his brother Hazrat Haroon  علیہ السلام . Concerning this, the Qur’aan says:

 “And appoint for me from my family a minister, (He should be) my brother Haroon. Strengthen my back (position) through him.” [SurahTahaa Verses 29-31]

From both Ambia (alaihis salaam) it is proven that there are helpers amongst the creation (servants) of Al’laah. If to ask assistance from the creation was shirk, then the Ambia (Alaihis salaam) would have never asked the people to assist them in their propagation of Deen.

Even though it is not clear in these verses that the help is through the permission and blessing of Almighty Al’laah, it is compulsory upon the people of knowledge that they inform the general public that the true helper is Almighty Al’laah just at it is clear in the verse:

“We worship only You and from You only do we seek help” [SurahFaateha]

However, it should also be explained that through His permission and His giving there are also helpers amongst the servants of Almighty Al’laah, who have been appointed to assist the ordinary servants of Al’laah, just as it has been stated in the above mentioned verses of the Glorious Qur’aan.

Leave alone the Ambia (alaihis salaam) asking the servants of Al’laah to assist in Deen. Almighty Al’laah says in the Holy Qur’aan that Jibra’eel  علیہ السلام and the pious Muslims are also helpers.

“Then undoubtedly, Al’laah is his helper and Jibra’eel and (all) the pious believers and after this, even the Angels will support him.” [SurahTahreem Verse.4]

In the third Part of the Holy Qur’aan, Almighty Al’laah has explained the how Hazrat Jibra’eel  علیہ السلام assisted Hazrat Esa  علیہ السلام :

“And we granted clear signs to Esa the son of Maryam, and We assisted him through the Pure Spirit.” [Surah BaqaraVerse.87]

The Pure Spirit here refers to Hazrat Jibra’eel  علیہ السلام , who is an Angel and also the creation Almighty Al’laah. If the help of the creation was shirk, then Almighty Al’laah would have never allowed Jibra’eel  علیہ السلام to be the assistant of Hazrat Esa  علیہ السلام .

Hazrat Has'saan bin Thaabit  is a Sahabi of the Holy Prophet  and the Poet of the Exalted Court of the Holy Prophet . When he completed reciting a Naat in the court of the Holy Prophet , the Holy Prophet  made a special dua for him and this dua will show that we are the true Ahle Sunnah wa Jamaat. This was the beautiful dua:
 “O' Al’laah, Assist him (Hazrat Has'saan bin Thaabit) through Rooh Quds (Jibra’eel Ameen).” [Bukhari Shareef]

Concerning the commentary of the verse, Great and distinguished personalities and Mufasireen such as Imam Fakhruddeen Raazi, Allama Khaazin and Allama Ismaeel Haqqi say follows:

It is permissible to seek assistance from the people to alleviate hardships and injustices.”

Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith Dehlwi , whilst explaining the Tafseer of the verse explains a point, through which all doubts concerning this topic fade away. That Tafseer is being quoted below so that we will even know the belief of Sheikh Abdul Azeez Muhadith Dehlwi : “Here, it should be understood that to ask for assistance from anyone other than Al’laah, by putting full trust and not thinking of it as a marvel of Almighty Al’laah is prohibited. But if the attention is towards Al’laah and then to think of a person as the splendour of Almighty Al’laah and by keeping the means and wisdom of Almighty Al’laah before you, if one asks from anyone other than Al’laah, then this is not far from the wisdom of Almighty Al’laah. This action is permissible and allowed in Shariat. To ask for help in this way is not really asking from someone but Al’laah, but in reality it is to ask from Al’laah.” [Tafseer Azeezi Pg.8]

Note: Hazrat Muhadith Dehlwi  is explaining that as long as a person bears this fact in mind that the true and real helper is Al’laah and no matter whom he asks from, it will be through the mercy of Al’laah, and then it is permissible to ask from such a person.

Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhadith Dehlwi  states, “There are certain Awliyah Al’laah whom Al’laah has created specifically for guiding and enlightening His servants. They have been given control of this universe even in this condition (of theirs). And by their insightful absorption, their being spiritually engrossed due to their special excellence does not impede them. The people of the Uwaisi Tareeqa gain their spiritual inner brilliance through such personalities. Those in need and those with issues go to them to have their needs and issues resolved and they achieve whatever they desire (from them) And (these blessed) persons chant the following words in their spiritual condition ‘If you come towards me with body then I shall come towards you with soul’ [Tafseer-e-Azeezi]
All the above mentioned verses of the Qur’aan, Ahadith and sayings of great Mufasireen prove beyond doubt that it is permissible to seek assistance from Hazrat Ghause Azam  and undoubtedly he is from amongst the blessed servants of Al’laah.

Ya Allah عزوجل of Mustafa  صلی اللہ تعالی علیہ وسلم! We make sincere Dua that  blesses us all with strength in Imaan and true love for the Holy Prophet  صلی اللہ تعالی علیہ وسلمand for all those who follow that which has been taught and commanded by Him. Amin! (Source: Extracted from Proper Sunni Beliefs)
Courtesy: Imam Mustafa Raza Research Center



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