ترجمۂ کنزالایمان: اللہ کے نام سے شروع جو نہایت مہربان رحم والا
Translation: Allah in the name of the most Affectionate the Merciful
Du’a for Reading the Book or Islamic Lesson
Read the following Du’a (supplication) before studying a religious book or Islamic lesson , you will remember whatever you study.
Translation:Ya Allah! Open the portal of knowledge and wisdom for us, and have mercy on us! O the one who is the most honourable and glorious! (Al-Mustaraf, vol. 1, pp. 40)
Note: Recite Durud Sharif once before and after the Du’a.
کنزالایمان:اور اگر جب وہ اپنی جانوں پر ظلم کریں تو اے محبوب تمہارے حضور
حاضر ہوں اور پھر اللہ سے معافی چاہیں اور رسول ان کی شفاعت فرمائے تو ضرور اللہ
کو بہت توبہ قبول کرنے والا مہربان پائیں۔
Translation of Kanzul Iman:And if when they do
justice unto their souls, then O beloved! They should come to you and then beg
forgiveness of Allah and the messenger should
intercede for them then surely, they would find Allah
Most Relenting, Merciful (4:64)
of Durud Shareef
Noble Rasool صلی اللہ تعالی علیہ وسلم has stated, ‘Whoever recites Salat
upon me one time, Allah عزوجل sends
ten mercies upon him.’ (Sahih Muslim, pp. 166, vol. 1)
Al’laah's عَزَّوَجَلَّ Knowledge of the Unseen
It is the belief of the Ahle Sunnat wa
Jama'at that the knowledge of unseen which is by Almighty Al’laah عَزَّوَجَلَّ is His Self (unattained) Knowledge and He does not gain it from
anyone. This is known as Ilm-e-Zaati.
Al’laah عَزَّوَجَلَّ says in the Holy Qur’aan:
عَزَّوَجَلَّ is He, besides whom there is none worthy
of worship. (He is) the Knower of every hidden and visible thing. It is He who
is the Compassionate, Most Merciful.” [Surah Hashr
“The Knower of everything hidden and
apparent, The Greatest, The Most Supreme.” [Surah
Ar Ra’ad Verse.9]
“Undoubtedly You alone are the Knower of
all that is unseen.” [Surah Al Maaídah Verse.109]
One must note the important fact, that Al’laah عَزَّوَجَلَّ does not attain knowledge
from anyone, for His knowledge is ilm-e-Zaati, in other words, His Self
Knowledge. To enquire would prove that He does not possess Divine Self
knowledge. To believe that Almighty Al’laah عَزَّوَجَلَّ enquires from anyone is total kufr and against the Qur’aan and the Hadith.
Ya Allah
عزوجل of Mustafa
صلی اللہ تعالی علیہ وسلم! We
make sincere Dua that blesses us all with strength in Imaan
and true love for the Holy Prophet
صلی اللہ تعالی علیہ وسلمand
for all those who follow that which has been taught and commanded by Him. Amin! (Source:
Extracted from Proper Sunni Beliefs)
Courtesy: Imam Mustafa Raza Research Center
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