Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Bahaar-e-Shariat Volume 3 Blog Page 28

Law: The Muqtadi is of four types:
1. Mudrik
2. Laahaq
3. Masbooq
4. Laahaq Masbooq
1. A Mudrik refers to that person who read with the Imam from the first Raka’at upto the Tashahud, even if he was not with the Imam in the Ruku of the first Raka’at.
2. A Laa Haq refers to that person who made Iqtida of the Imam in the first Raka’at, but after Iqtida, all his Raka’ats or few of his  Raka’ats were missed, either due to an ‘Uzr’ such as due to beingunaware or due to a crowd he was not able to make Ruku or Sujood; or he was affected by a Hadath in Namaaz; or if a Muqeem made Iqtida behind a Musafir; or in Namaaz-e-Khauf, the first group who did not get that Raka’at with the Imam; or even if it was missed without any valid reason; such as if he preceded the Imam in Ruku or Sujood, and he did not even repeat (i.e. rectify this), then in this case the second Raka’at of the Imam has become his first, and the Imam’s third, his second, and the Imam’s fourth his third, so he must add one more Raka’at at the end.
3. A Masbooq refers to that person who joined after the Imam already completed a few Raka’ats, and remained until the end. 4. Laa Haq Masbooq refers to that person who did not get the starting Raka’ats, and then after joining he became a Laa Haq. [Shaami vol.1 pg. 555-569]
Law: The ruling regarding the Laa Haq is the same as the Mudrik, because when he reads the Raka’ats he has missed, he will neither recite Qira’at in them and nor will he make Sajdah-e-Sahw in them due to any error; and if he was a Musafir (traveller) then in Namaaz by making intention of being resident, it will not differ the condition of his Fard, where it becomes four from two, and he will read the missed ones first; this will not happen, but he should follow the Imam, and when the Imam has finished then he should read his own. For example, he was affected by Hadath, and when he returned after making Wudu, he found the Imam in Qa’da-e-Aakhira (the last sitting), then he will not join the Imam in Qa’da, but he will continue from where he left off, and after this, if he still gets the Imam, then he may join. If he did not do this, but he joined the Imam, then after the Imam turned Salaam, he read the missed ones, even though it is done but he is sinful. [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Raddul Mukhtar vol.1 pg.557]
Law: If one fell asleep in the third Raka’at and woke up in the fourth Raka’at, then he is commanded to read the 3rd without Qira’at, and if he finds the Imam in the fourth, then he should join, otherwise he should read that as well alone without Qira’at; and if he did not do this and read the fourth with the Imam, and then read the 3rd thereafter, then it has been done but is sinful to do this. [Raddul Mukhtar vol.1 pg.557]
Law: The rulings regarding the Masbooq in these laws differ from the Laa Haq; as he must continue with the Imam and after the Imam has turned Salaam, he should complete his missed Raka’ats. He will recite Qira’at in the Raka’ats, which he missed, and if he makes Sahw (error) in this, he will make Sajdah-e-Sahw, and by making Niyyat of ‘Iqaamat’ (residency) the Fard with be differed. [Raddul Mukhtar vol.1 pg.557]
Law: The Masbooq in regards to his missed Raka’ats is Munfarid; whereby if he did not read Thana in the beginning because the Imam was also already reciting Qira’at aloud, and if the Imam is in Ruku and if he reads Thana he will miss the Ruku; or if the Imam was in Qa’da; thus no matter what the reason may have been for not reading it, he may read it now, and before Qira’at he should recite the Ta’ooz. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.19; Raddul Mukhtar vol.1 pg.577]
Law: If the Masbooq read his missed Raka’ats and then followed the Imam, his Namaaz is nullified. [Durr-e-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.558]
Law: If the Masbooq found the Imam in Qa’da, He should stand straight and say the Takbeer-e-Tahreema, then saying the second Takbeer he should go into Qa’da. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.19] If he finds the Imam in Ruku or Sujood, he should do the same. If he said the First Takbeer, bent and reached the position of Ruku, then in all cases the Namaaz is not valid.
Law: When the Masbooq started his Raka’ats after the Imam completed, then in regards to Qira’at, this will be counted as the first Raka’at, but in regards to Tashahud, it will not be regarded as the first, but it will be regarded as the third, fourth or fifth. For example; In a 3 or 4 Raka’at Namaaz if he only got one Raka’at, then with regards to Tashahud, this which he is reading now is his second, so he should read one Raka’at with Surah Faateha and Surah, and then make Qa’da; and if he omits the Waajib, i.e. the Surah Faateha and Qira’at, then if it is deliberately, then to repeat the Namaaz is Waajib; and if was done in error, then he should make Sajdah-e-Sahw; then in the one after this, he should also read Surah Faateha an Surah, but he should not sit in this; then in the one after this, he should recite Surah Faateha and make Ruku and recite the Tashahud etc and complete the Namaaz. If he got two Raka’ats and he missed two Raka’ats, then he should make Qira’at in both those Raka’ats. If he leaves out the Fard of Qira’at in even one, the Namaaz will be nullified. [Durr-e-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.558]
Law: There are four issues wherein the Masbooq is within the Ruling of a Muqtadi:
1. One cannot make his Iqtida, but the Imam can nominate him (put him forward) as his Khalifa (in Namaaz); However, after becoming Khalifa (in Namaaz), he will not turn the Salaam (for that Namaaz). He will nominate another person as Khalifa for that purpose.
2. According to consensus, he will proclaim the Takbeers of Tashreeq
3. If he wishes to read Namaaz afresh and he makes Takbeer with Niyyat of ending that Namaaz, then it will be terminated, contrary to the ruling of a Munfarid, whereas his Namaaz will not be terminated.
4. If he stood up to read his missed Raka’ats, and the Imam has to make Sajdah-e-Sahw, even though a Waajib was omitted before he made Iqtida (of the Imam), he is commanded to return if he has not as yet made the Sajdah of his Raka’at; and if he does not return, then at the end he should make these two Sajdahs of Sahw. [Durr-e-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.558/559]
Law: The Masbooq should not stand immediately after the Imam has turned Salaam, but he should wait for at least the amount of time that he can confirm that the Imam is not going to make Sajdah-e-Sahw; unless the time (for that Salaah) is very little. [Durr-e-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.559]
Law: If the Masbooq stood before the Imam turned his Salaam, then if he stood before the Imam sat as per Tashahud, then this Qira’at is not sufficient, and the Namaaz is not valid; and afterwards, if he read as per what is necessary, it will be valid; and if he stood up after the Imam sat as per Tashahud and before the Salaam, then the Arkaan which he has already performed will be counted; but to stand before Salaam without need is Makruh-e-Tahreemi. If he completed his missed Raka’ats before the Imam turned Salaam, and still joined in the Salaam, it will still be regarded as correct; and if he follows in Qa’da and Tashahud, then the Namaaz will be nullified. [Durr-e-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.559]
Law: If the Masbooq stood up due to some ‘Uzr’ before the Imam; for example, he fears being affected by Hadath whilst waiting for Salam, or there is fear of the time of Fajr, Jummah, or Eid Prayers being expired; or if the Masbooq is Ma’zoor; and if there is fear of the time of Namaaz expiring; or if he made Masah on the leather socks and the duration for this is expiring; then in all such situations there is no ‘Karahat’ [Durr-e-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.559]
Law: If the Imam left out any Sajdah of Namaaz, and he remembered after the Masbooq has already stood up, then it is Fard for the Masbooq to follow the Imam in this. If he does not return, he Namaaz is not valid; and if in this situation the Masbooq completed the Raka’at already and even made the Sajdah, then Namaaz will not be valid absolutely, even if he follows the Imam. If the Imam has to perform Sajdah-e-Sahw or recitation, and he has already made the Sajdah of his Raka’at, then if he follows, it will be nullified, otherwise not. [Durr-e-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.559/560]
Law: If the Masbooq intentionally turned Salaam with the Imam, thinking that he too has to turn Salaam with the Imam, the Namaaz is nullified; and if he forgetfully turned Salaam after the Salaam of the Imam, then Sajdah-e-Sahw is essential; and if he turned it with him together, then there is nothing. [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar vol.1 pg.560]
Law: If he forgetfully turned Salaam with the Imam, and then assumed that his Namaaz is nullified (due to this), then he said Allah Akbar with the Niyyat to start the Namaaz afresh, then the Namaaz has been nullified. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.19]
Law: If the Imam after Qa’da-e-Aakhira forgetfully got up for a fifth Raka’at; then if the Masbooq deliberately follows the Imam, his Namaaz is Nullified; then if the Imam has not made Qa’da-e-Aakhira, then until such time that he does not make the Sajdah of the fifth Raka’at, it will not be nullified. [Durr-e-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.560]
Law: If the Imam performed Sajdah-e-Sahw and the Masbooq followed him, just as he has been commanded to; then he realized that there was no need for the Imam to make Sajdah-e-Sahw, the Namaaz of the Masbooq is nullified. [Durr-e-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.560]
Law: If two Masbooqs made Iqtida of the Imam in the same Raka’at, but then when they began to read, if one could not remember how many Raka’ats and he observed how many the other person read, and he read the same by observing him; then if he did not make Niyyat of following him, the Namaaz is valid. [Durr-e-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.558]
Law: The ruling with regards to the Laa Haq Masbooq is that in the Raka’ats in which he is a Laa Haq, he should read it in the sequence of the Imam, and in them the rules pertaining to a Laa Haq should be applied. After them, when the Imam has completed (his Namaaz), wherein he is now regarded as Masbooq, he should read according to the rules pertaining to a Masbooq. In other words, if he got joined in the second Raka’at of a four Raka’at Namaaz, and he fell asleep in two Raka’ats, then he should first read those Raka’ats in which he fell asleep, without Qira’at, by remaining silent for the duration of Surah Faateha, then whatever he gets with the Imam, he should follow in it; thereafter he should read the missed Raka’ats with Qira’at. [Durre-Mukhtar vol.1 pg.557, Raddul Muhtar]
Law: If he remained asleep in two Raka’at and has doubt regarding one, that whether he read with the Imam or not; then in this case he should read it at the end of the Namaaz. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.92]
Law: If the Imam read the Tashahud in the Qa’da-e-Ula and stood up, and some of the Muqtadis forgot to read the Tashahud, and they too stood up with the Imam, then those who did not read Tashahud should sit down, and only continue following the Imam after reading the Tashahud; even if a Raka’at is missed. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.90]
Law: If the Muqtadi picked up his head from Sajdah or Ruku before the Imam, then for him to return is Waajib; and this will not be counted as two (separate) Rukus or Sajdahs but will be counted as one. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.90]
Law: If the Imam made a lengthy Sajdah and the Muqtadi picked up his head, and he thought that the Imam is in the second Sajdah; and he too made Sajdah with him, then if he made the intention of the first Sajdah, or he did not intend anything, or he made for the second, and he made this with the intention of following, then it will be counted as the first, and if he only intended for the second, then the second has been done, then if he was still in the same Sajdah and the Imam too made Sajdah; and it combined, then it is permissible; and if he picked up his head before the Imam made the second Sajdah, then it is not permitted; and he has to repeat that Sajdah. If he does not repeat that Sajdah, the Namaaz will be nullified. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.90]
Law: The Muqtadi lengthened the Sajdah to the extent that the Imam picked up his head from the first Sajdah and went into the second Sajdah. Now the Muqtadi picked up his head and assumed that the Imam was still in the first Sajdah, and he made Sajdah again (on this assumption), it will be counted as the second Sajdah, even though he had only intended the first Sajdah. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.90]
Law: There are 5 things that if the Imam leaves it out, the Muqtadi too should not do and he should follow the Imam. They are:
1. The Takbeers of the Eid Prayers
2. Qa’da-e-Ula (First Sitting)
3. Sajdah-e-Tilaawat
4. Sajdah-e-Sahw
5. Qunoot, when there is no fear of missing the Ruku; otherwise, Read Qunoot and then go into Ruku [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.90; Sagheeri] if he has not made the Qa’da-e-Ula and has not stood up straight as yet, but even in this, the Muqtadi should not follow the Imam, but he should inform him, so that he should return. If he returns, then fine; but if he already stood straight up, then do not point it out to him, otherwise the Namaaz will be nullified; but the Muqtadi too should leave the Qa’da and stand (with the Imam).
Law: There are 4 things which if the Imam does, the Muqtadi should not follow:
1. If he made an extra Sajdah in Namaaz
2. If in the Takbeers of Eid Prayer, he exceeded it as stipulated by the Sahaba
3. If he said 5 Takbeers in Janaazah Namaaz
4. If he forgetfully stands for the fifth Raka’at, and in this situation where he has done Qa’da-e-Aakhira, then the Muqtadi should wait for him; If he returns before making Sajdah of the fifth Raka’at then the Muqtadi should follow him as well, and turn Salaam with him, and make Sajdah-e-Sahw with him; and if he has already made Sajdah of the fifth Raka’at, the Muqtadi should turn Salaam alone; and if he did not make the Qa’da-e-Aakhira and he made the Sajdah of the fifth Raka’at, then everyone’s, Namaaz is nullified; even if the Muqtadi read Tashahud and turned Salaam. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.90]
Law: There are 9 things that if the Imam does not do it, the Muqtadi should not follow him, but he should fulfil these:
1. Raising the hands in Takbeer-e-Tahreema
2. To recite Thana, if the Imam is in Faateha, and he is reading softly
3. Takbeer of Ruku
4. Takbeer of Sujood
5. Tasbeehs
6. Tasmi’
7. Reciting the Tashahud
8. To turn Salaam
9. Takbeers of Tashreeq [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.90; Sagheeri]
Law: If the Muqtadi made Ruku and Sujood in all the Raka’ats before the Imam, he should read one more Raka’at at the end without Qira’at. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.90]
Law: If he made Sajdah before the Imam, but before lifting his head from Sajdah, the Imam too went into Sajdah; the Sajdah is valid, but for the Muqtadi to do this (i.e. precede the Imam) is Haraam. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.90]
Law: If there was a difference (disagreement) between the Imam and Muqtadis; the Muqtadis say he read 3 Raka’ats and he claims he read 4 Raka’ats, the word of the Imam will be taken and Namaaz will not be repeated. If there is disagreement amongst Muqtadis (i.e. they differ with each other on how many Raka’ats were read), then they should go with that which the Imam claims. If one person is confident that it is 3 Raka’ats and one is confident that it was 4 Raka’ats, whilst the Imam and other Muqtadis are in doubt, then in this case, then there is no ruling on them (Imam and others), and those who have confidence in regards to the Raka’ats having been less, they should repeat their Namaaz. If the Imam is confident he read 3 Raka’ats and one person has confidence that the entire (four) was read, then the Imam and the people should repeat it; and there is no need for the one who is confident to repeat. One person is confident that Raka’ats are less, whereas the Imam and the rest of the Jama’at are in doubt, then in this, if time is still permitting, it should be repeated; otherwise they are not liable for anything. However, if two ‘Aadil’ (Just) persons say this with full conviction, then it should be repeated. [Alamgiri vol.1 pg.93]


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