ترجمۂ کنزالایمان: اللہ کے نام سے شروع جو نہایت مہربان رحم والا
Translation: Allah in the name of the most Affectionate the Merciful
Du’a for Reading the Book or Islamic Lesson
Read the following Du’a (supplication) before studying a religious book or Islamic lesson , you will remember whatever you study.
Translation:Ya Allah! Open the portal of knowledge and wisdom for us, and have mercy on us! O the one who is the most honourable and glorious! (Al-Mustaraf, vol. 1, pp. 40)
Note: Recite Durud Sharif once before and after the Du’a.
کنزالایمان:اور اگر جب وہ اپنی جانوں پر ظلم کریں تو اے محبوب تمہارے حضور
حاضر ہوں اور پھر اللہ سے معافی چاہیں اور رسول ان کی شفاعت فرمائے تو ضرور اللہ
کو بہت توبہ قبول کرنے والا مہربان پائیں۔
Translation of Kanzul Iman:And if when they do
justice unto their souls, then O beloved! They should come to you and then beg
forgiveness of Allah and the messenger should
intercede for them then surely, they would find Allah
Most Relenting, Merciful (4:64)
of Durud Shareef
Noble Rasool صلی اللہ تعالی علیہ وسلم has stated, ‘Whoever recites Salat
upon me one time, Allah عزوجل sends
ten mercies upon him.’ (Sahih Muslim, pp. 166, vol. 1)
Permissibility Of Dua After Janaaza Salaah
According to the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jama'at, to
recite Dua after the Janazah Salaah is totally permissible. Our beloved Prophet said,
Our beloved Rasool
has commanded us to make Dua after the Janazah Salaah. The Holy
Prophet stood on the Mimbar
and informed the Sahaba concerning Ghazwa-e-Mouta and he also informed them of
the martyrdom of Hazrat Ja'far ibn Abu Taalib :
the Holy Prophet performed
his Janazah Salaah and made Dua
for him and then said to the people, you too make Dua-e-Maghfirat for him.”
Imam Sarkhasi who even in the eyes of the
deobandis and wahabis is known as Shamsul A'ima also quotes a narration in his
internationally renowned book Mabsoot.
Once Hazrat Abdullah ibn Umar
went for a Janazah Namaaz but reached there after the Namaaz. He
then said,
“If you have preceded me in the Namaaz,
then do not precede me in the Dua.”
Hazrat Sarkhasi
has quoted narrations of Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas and Hazrat
Abdullah ibn Umar (radi Al’laahu anhum) in the section on Ghusl of the deceased
in his book Mabsoot, in which he has proved Dua after Janazah Salaah to be
In the book which discusses the narrators of
Hadith, it has been stated concerning Hazrat Abdullah ibn Umar
that he was very steadfast in adhering to the Sunnats of the Holy
Prophet . If this dua was improper
then would such a distinguished Sahabi-e-Rasool ever have read this Dua? Hazrat
Abdullah ibn Abbas , who is known by all
as Imam-ul-Mufas'sireen also allowed the reading of Dua after Janazah Salaah.
If it were bid’ at then would such a great Commentator of the Holy Qur’aan ever
read the Dua after Janazah Salaah?
From the above mentioned narrations it has
become evident that to read the Dua after Janazah Salaah is permissible. The
deobandis and the wahabis say that the reason for this Dua to be a bid’ at is
because the Janazah Salaah by itself is a Dua, so there is no need for a second
Dua. There is no where in the Holy Qur’aan or the Hadith where it has been mentioned
that if one Dua is recited then to recite a second Dua after it is not
permissible. No where has it been mentioned that if you recite a second Dua
then the first will not be accepted. If there is no such command of Almighty
Al’laah and the Beloved Rasool preventing
the second Dua, then what right does anyone else have to stop this beneficial
There is no such proof from any verse of the
Qur’aan or Hadith-e-Mustafa which
disallows the making of a second Dua, but the Ahle Sunnah wa Jama'at have
proof that to make Dua once, twice or more than that is also permissible. It
has been stated in the Glorious Qur’aan:
your Creator says; Make Dua (pray) to me and I shall accept it.
Undoubtedly, those who are too arrogant
to worship Me shall soon enter Hell, disgraced.” [SurahAl Mu’min Verse.60]
In this verse, Almighty Al’laah has clearly
commanded the Believers to make Dua and has given clear sign of accepting there
Duas and He also informed those who are proud and donot make Dua to Him that
they will go into hell. One must have noticed that after the Salaatul Janaazah,
Dua is read and certain people lift up their hands to make Dua for the deceased
whereas others seem to stand proudly and uncomfortable without reciting the
After examining the above mentioned verse of
the Holy Qur’aan, it is now left upon you to understand what would be the
condition of those who stand with pride and refuse to make Dua.
In yet another verse of the Glorious Qur’aan
Almighty Al’laah says:
O Beloved, When my servants ask you concerning Me, then,
indeed I am close. I accept the
supplication of the supplicant, when he supplicates Me. so they should be
obedient to my Commands, and bring faith upon Me, so that they may gain the
(true) path.” [Surah Baqara Verse.186]
Almighty Al’laah has stated that whenever a
servant asks from Him, He accepts his Dua. In this verse there is no
specification that Dua must only be asked once, twice or thrice or that if you
ask more than once then it would make Almighty Al’laah unhappy and the first
Dua will be rejected but it has been stated that whenever you ask, it will be accepted.
It is a common point that you will ask as
many times Dua as possible for someone you love and verily all Muslims love
their fellow Muslim brothers. It is either this or it seems as though those who
object to this dua have some kind of hidden enmity against the deceased that
they prohibit the making of Dua for them and the excuse they are using is that
to make one Dua after the other is bid’ at.
These people do not even realise that every
Namaaz has Dua in it, then why do they read Dua after the Fard Salaah of every
Namaaz. Is there no Duas in those Namaaz?
(1). In Janazah Salaah the first thing
that we read is Thanaa In the Fard Namaaz, we also read the Thanaa
(2). In Janazah Salaah we recite the
Durood In the Fard Namaaz we also recite the Durood
(3). In Janazah Namaaz we make Dua for
the Muslims In the Fard Namaaz we also make Dua for the Muslims
(4). In the Janazah Salaah we terminate
with salaam In the Fard Namaaz, we also terminate with salaam
Now, after examining the simple table
presented above, it is obvious that the Janazah Namaaz also consists of certain
of those Duas etc that are read in the five daily Salaah, then why is it that
after the Fard Namaaz, those who object also read this Dua:
But they still say the Dua after Janazah
Salaah to be bid’ at. The famous and distinguished commentator of the Holy Qur’aan,
Allama Ibn Jareer Tabri while commenting on
this verse of the Holy Qur’aan: he says,
Abdullah ibn Abbas says that when you
have completed, (then remain standing), this standing by itself is for Dua.”
[Tafseer ibn Jareer Pg.130 Vol.30]
Narration has been made by Hazrat Abdullah
ibn Abbas that,
you have completed those commands of Almighty Al’laah,
which are Fard upon you, then ask (make
Dua) from Almighty
Al’laah and turn towards Him and stand
for Him.” [Tafseer ibn Jareer
Pg.130 Vol.30]
is on the authority of Hazrat Qatadah that
once you have completed
and are standing then turn your attention towards your Creator,
for the command of Al’laah is this, that when you complete your
Namaaz, then enter into your Dua.” [Tafseer ibn Jareer
Pg.130 Vol.30]
While giving commentary of this
Ayat-e-Kareema Hazrat Allama Imam
Khaazin and Imam Baghwi (radi Al’laahu anhum) say,
ibn Abbas, Hazrat Qatada, Hazrat Dahaak, Hazrat Muqatil
and Hazrat Kalbi (radi Al’laahu ta'aala
Anhumul Ajmaeen) have
stated that when you complete the Fardh
Namaaz, then stand in Dua
before Al’laah and when asking, then
turn to Him, and He will grant
that which you desire.” [Tafseer-e-Khaazin
Pg.220 Vol.7]
Hazrat ibn Abbas
reported that the Holy Prophet said
that when you ask from Almighty
Al’laah then spread your palms and make Dua and
after this, do not leave your hands like that but turn it over your
In another narration it has been stated that
by doing this, Almighty Al’laah
gives Barkat in it.
Muhadith Baihaqi
reported a narration from Sunan-e-Kubra in which
it is proven that the Holy Prophet made
dua after a Janazah Salaah.
Hazrat Ibrahim narrates from a
Sahabi who was from the Sahaba-e-Shajra,
that his daughter passed away and that he performed
the Janazah Salaah.
‘Then after the fourth Takbeer, he remained standing and he
continued making Dua equivalent to the
length of two Takbeers, then
he said that the Holy Prophet ,
always performed a Janazah (Salaah) in this manner.’ [Sunan-ul-Kubra
Pg.42 Vol.4]
Allama Muhammad Abdullah bin Abi Jamurah
Maaliki Bukhari , in
Bahjatun Nufoos narrated a Hadith, in which he proved that the
Holy Prophet
made Dua after Janazah Salaah. The Hadith is this:
“Verily the he (Prophet) performed
the Janazah Salaah of a child and
then made Dua (for the child) that Almighty Al’laah save the child from
the adversity of the grave” [Bahjatun Nufoos
Shara Sahih Bukhari Pg.122 Vol.1]
The Holy Prophet
has stated,
to ask Dua is Ibaadat”
The Holy Prophet
also said,
is the essence of Ibaadat”
In this time, when a person leaves home on
lengthy journey, His family and
friends make Dua for him. They accompany him to the railway
station, bus terminal of Airport and when he is boarding the
train, bus or aeroplane, they
make Dua for his safe return even thought they are aware
that there is a possibility of him coming back home.
Yet, when our respected elders or relatives
pass away, then we are told that
it is bid’ at to make Dua for them. The minds of these people who
oppose dua can not be understood. They
seem to be using the reverse gear in this case.
When a person passes
away, we know that he is going to leave us for ever. He is never
going to return and he is to prepare to meet his Creator and face
the greatest examination
of his life and yet they do not make Dua for such a
person, rather they say it is Haraam and bid’ at to do so.
Mahfooz Rakhe har Balaa se
Khusoosan Wahabiyat ki Wabaa se”
May Al’laah protect us from every wickedness
Especially from the curse of Wahabism
The Holy Prophet
has said,
“When you perform the Janazah Salaah over the deceased, so be
sure to make Dua for him.” [Mishkaat
Shareef Pg.146 -Abu Dawood Pg.456
- Ibn Majah Pg.109]
It has been narrated that Hazrat Abdullah ibn
Umar arrived after the Janazah
Salaah of Hazrat Abdullah ibn Salaam and
he said,
Ya Allah
عزوجل of Mustafa
صلی اللہ تعالی علیہ وسلم! We
make sincere Dua that blesses us all with strength in Imaan
and true love for the Holy Prophet
صلی اللہ تعالی علیہ وسلمand
for all those who follow that which has been taught and commanded by Him. Amin! (Source:
Extracted from Proper Sunni Beliefs)
Courtesy: Imam Mustafa Raza Research Center
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